Base Skin Texture which will be the first skin texture you just have to click on the box on the right and select one among the many textures that are available (more of them with mods like Dr.DJ's Bandit Emporium - Toolset Files) once you've selected the new texture it will show up on your character's face. Regarding scars and tattoo here is what you can do:ġ) scars can be found in the Object Inspector:
Last but not least you don't have to worry too much with editing the chargenmorphcfg.xml file to get modded scars, hair and tattoos in game.
You can change everything to make the face look like you want without having to modify your save game files. What now? Well we can play the game with that face and if we want to modify it simply open the toolset and edit the mrh file, saving and right click post to local will apply the changes.